Tag: tango

The ldc d programming language compiler package sees the light



Yesterday i talked about ldc. Well. today i talk about it again 🙂

Does this make you understand something?

goshawk@earth:~/Documents/Projects/MOTU/ldc/d1$ sudo dpkg -i ldc_0.9-1_amd64.deb
Selecting previously deselected package ldc.
(Reading database ... 210660 files and directories currently installed.)
Unpacking ldc (from ldc_0.9-1_amd64.deb) ...
Setting up ldc (0.9-1) ...
goshawk@earth:~/Documents/Projects/MOTU/ldc/d1$ cd
goshawk@earth:~$ cat test.d
import  tango.io.Console;

void    main()
   Cout("Hello, World").newline;

goshawk@earth:~$ ldc test.d
goshawk@earth:~$ ./test
Hello, World

As you already understood, a first ldc package for debian and ubuntu has been compiled. It compiles ldc, then the tango runtime and tango library which is the default library in ldc.

It stores the tango library in /usr/include/d/ldc/libtango, and the tango runtime in usr/lib/libtango-base-ldc.a and the tango user library in /usr/lib/libtango-user-ldc.a

At the moment the problems with this packages are:

  1. I need a stable ldc release, the package builds revision 1179
  2. W: ldc: binary-without-manpage usr/bin/ldc, i need to create/find a manpage for the compiler
  3. Pester a debian maintainer or a ubuntu MOTU to include ldc in the official repository
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