How to install pymatlab


For a university project i had to deal with a web application written in python and some computations that are matlab based. Of course my webapp was in python so I had to find a library to interact with python. I’ve found pymatlab to be a good library for this goal.

Installing pymatlab was a bit tricky. I had to install matlab on Linux, then install the python-numpy package and then install pymatlab with this sets of commands

sudo -s

export LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/MATLAB/R2011a/bin/glnxa64/

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/MATLAB/R2011a/bin/
 export C_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/local/MATLAB/R2011a/extern/include/
 apt-get install csh
 pip install pymatlab

Then I was able to run matlab inside my python programs.

Why IronPython is shit…
This ban is going to hurt you so badly Apple
  • For a university project i had to deal with a web application written in python and some computations that are matlab based. Of course my webapp was in python so I had to find a library to interact with python. I’ve found pymatlab to be a good library for this goal.

  • Thanks for your advices. Unfortunately they do no longer work with MATLAB R2012a
    I changed the version number in the file names, but the following errors occur

    /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -leng

    /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmx

    It would be great if the tool would be available even for more recent versions of MATLAB.


  • It seems to be just a linker problem. Or… you can just grab the 2011 version 🙂

    Or… if you don’t have a lot of .mat , just use numpy & scipy. they are much more powerful

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