Comments on: Why IronPython is shit… hacks, researches, thoughts Thu, 18 Jul 2013 18:47:42 -0700 hourly 1 By: Richard Ellicott Richard Ellicott Thu, 18 Jul 2013 18:47:42 +0000 what i mean is i like iron python because it’s an option to embed python.. that said i haven’t yet had a chance to get annoyed by it so I am not yet able to judge.

further down the line though, it looks like a better option (ironpython) for my needs vs compiling c# on the fly which i think is the only way to it.

From my perspective having iron python in .net means I might use it in a “real program”, because python is great for stuff for yourself, or install apps on unix, but unless you embed it, it never reaches an end user. I say all this and I do think of Blender, I think though it’s some compiled core running embedded python

basically anyway cpython never reaches end users beyond programming enthusiasts and academics using things like scipy, so it’s great it’s reliable but it’s not like I can use it anyway…. so I was hoping actually that .net python would be the defacto deployment python actually (and that maybe it would be defacto to deploy python)

By: vincenzoampolo7 vincenzoampolo7 Thu, 18 Jul 2013 17:24:25 +0000 The article is just on IronPython, the M$ implementation of the interpreter. I use python (CPython) regularly and never had this kind of problems

By: Richard Ellicott Richard Ellicott Wed, 17 Jul 2013 12:30:29 +0000 omg i am like the opposite you’d hate me. As much as I like python it’s uses for me are a bit limited (unix admin?), so I can now embed python in an app potentially as the scripting language. I am at the moment actually trying to figure out how a game like MTG online works, I recon the cards themselves may have a script code when I tackle this sort of complexity.

so I really see the value in embedded python, if anything now I will need to figure how possibly I can make the python do less so players do not hyjack the game xD

say what anyone will about any what language I think many people really appreciate python to, you could make people use javascript after all!

By: sasamat sasamat Fri, 07 Sep 2012 15:44:36 +0000 Sorry to hear about your problems, but this has not been my experience at all.

IronPython is obviously going to have issues with extensions written in C, but those are platform-specific hacks anyway. Witness the problems of getting or compiling the right version of a particular extension for windows, when CPython dev mostly happens in the Linux world.

The point of IronPython is to have a modern dynamic language that can access (and be accessed from) the whole of the CLR-based ecosystem. My experience of this is very much the same as I’ve had with CPython. Stuff (i.e. .Net stuff) just works, first time, and the development experience is a joy.

As an example: I use WSDL.exe to create proxy stubs to the millions of SOA endpoints out there. Compile them into dlls with the C# compiler (CSC) and import them into IronPython for easy Web Service access. Try that in CPython with the the hopelessly incomplete SOA projects such as Suds et al.!

By: Meh Meh Thu, 16 Aug 2012 22:54:56 +0000 All derivatives of CPython are crap, mainly because they drop C in order to support commercial frameworks.

Another method of using Python without going the derivative route is using the following to plug Python into VS:
